Services : Baird TV
"Find the POV camera"


We offer our international clients  ‘full service solutions’  for their production needs here in Western Canada.

If you’re shooting a network documentary, a magazine piece or a high-end corporate project, let us put together the team and equipment that you'll need to make your shoot a success. We specialize in fully equipped ENG/EFP camera and sound teams and often crew multiple camera shoots.

Remote Control - Because many of our international clients are not able to travel at this time we are doing many interviews by  'Remote Control'.   We use our Camera Interface Box to route the actual SDI output of our camera(s) to the remote producer via Zoom or Skype etc. This 'live camera output' helps them accurately judge whether they are getting the material they need for their edit. We can discuss shot composition, framing, lensing, lighting etc. as if they were on site.  Following the shoot we send the actual full rez camera footage by digital file transfer or Fedex.

                                  One of our happy customers calls it   "being there without being there"

LIVE CONNECTION   -  We offer many LIVE connection options.

We can do 'live hit / insert' shoots for broadcasters from virtually anywhere. We use Dejero, LiveU or TVU bonded cellular packages and also offer portable satellitte uplink packages for even more remote locations.

Recently we were part of a team which helped the Canadian Space Agency and NASA connect students at a Vancouver school with astronaut David Saint Jacques on the International Space Station. The ISS was travelling at 7 km/second or 15,500 mph and the connection was rock solid.

While most of our shoots are  'on location'  we work with several local studios to supply studio space if required for special setups where large controlled spaces are needed for greenscreen or high security purposes. 

 "One call does it all!"


 What can we do for you?

  • documentary production 
  • current affairs and news magazine segments -single or multi camera
  • educational, medical and technical materials 
  • behind the scenes / EPK coverage of film, television or music industry  production 
  • video inserts for playback on-set in feature films and tv movies 
  • corporate video press releases, VNRs, conference coverage, webcasting 
  • aerials - helicopter and fixed wing, Tyler mounts, handheld, POV rigging and drones 
  • sports - POV, highspeed/slomo, minicams, aerials, underwater and live motorcycle units 
  • surveillance/hidden camera investigative shoots 
  • live events - broadcast live hits/inserts and double-enders  
  • ultimatte/green/blue screen - studio and location rigging and shoots 
  • vyvx/telco/microwave and satellite feeds or FTP/digital transfers for worldwide delivery 
  • travel and accommodation suggestions and/or reservations
In addition to camera and sound teams we also supply:
  •  journalists, interviewers and  'on camera'  talent
  •  fixers, field producers, directors and production assistants
  •  grip, lighting and teleprompter services and equipment
  •  hair and makeup 

For information on our equipment, see camera packages

For information on our PAL HD production services, click here.    

Seth Rogen's first trip to LA!



One call does it all!
+1 604 838 4048

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